About me
I am a scientist during the day and an aspiring fiction writer at night! I have lived, worked and studied in several beautiful countries including India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
I did my PhD at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular biology in Cambridge, UK (as a GATES Cambridge scholar). Using biochemistry and structural biology approaches, my colleagues and I visualized the architecture of the eukaryotic mRNA 3′ end processing machinery, providing insights into gene expression regulation.
Image: A cDNA microarray reflecting the gene expression differences between two different tissues (The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Visuals Online)
After my PhD, I was a Human Frontier Science Program long-term fellow at Yale University, studying the structure and function of long non-coding RNAs involved in chromosome stability maintenance.
Image: Chromosomes visualized by spectral karyotyping (SKY) reveal an enormous degree of chromosomal instability — a hallmark of cancer. The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Visuals Online
I currently work at a big pharma in Cambridge, UK studying nucleic acid machines in cells. I am enthusiastic about learning new technologies and currently excited about nucleic acid therapeutics and its potential. Outside of the lab, I enjoy thinking and writing about public policy issues, bird watching, playing cricket, practicing Japanese sword fighting (Kendo) and writing short stories.
Image: In the midst of a kendo session at Shiroyama Kendo Dojo, Nagoya-shi, Japan.